New Project

Literary Art: eBooks

This year, we are embarking on a new venture by launching our e-Book service.

Peace on Earth and in our hearts!!



高見敏弘 著




“Living with the Soil”

Asian Rural Institute and Me

Original Text by Toshihiro Takami
Translated by Takumi Natsume

“Living with the Soil”

This book vividly portrays the rich life of an author who has dedicated over 50 years to exploring the concept of 'That We May Live Together' through real-life experiences. Rather than focusing solely on writing, the author devoted his efforts to sustaining the operations of the Asian Rural Institute. Compiling interviews, commissioned writings, and lecture content amidst his busy life, he published this work after his retirement as his 'only book,' showcasing his deep convictions. 

Born to poor Manchurian immigrants, the author's journey—from becoming a monk for educational purposes and cultivating the 'foundation of living' through five years of Zen monastery training, to an unexpected conversion to Christianity, studying in America, and founding an educational institution—unfolds through remarkable developments. 

The motto of this institution is "That We May Live Together." This encompasses all races, nations, languages, cultures, religions, and even all living beings, pointing to the "way of being." The author's life, which has promoted organic farming and provided concrete methods for sustainable environmental protection since half a century ago. 

We hope that by engaging with this book, which was not created solely for the purpose of publishing a completed work, you will enjoy a dialogue with Toshihiro Takami and be inspired to find your own way of 'living together' as you reflect on your personal life experiences.

Translation: Read on Mobile/Tablet

Publication Background

About twenty years ago, my father, usually not one to seek assistance, asked me to create a website to publish his writings in Japanese and English. Due to his declining health, only a few documents were submitted to the website. In the years that followed, my focus was divided between raising two young children and pursuing art projects.

After our father's passing, his final wish was for his wife, Shinko, to be eternally happy. When the opportunity arose to translate his book—the best time was when Kaori's younger child starting university and the elder still studying—we discovered that another group had already been working on an English translation for two years, primarily for academic use.

Following thorough consideration and influenced by our mother Shinko's belief that the publication should aid global farmers, a cause important to our father, we decided not to proceed with the external party's contract. Their translation significantly differed from the original, and agreeing to their terms would prevent us from releasing our own version. Additionally, there was a risk that our father's name might not be properly credited in their version.

We proposed to the other group an alternative: publishing an explanatory book rather than a direct translation. The entire process, which led to our final decision, was a trial of our commitment to preserving our father's legacy, and we'll honor that commitment in our future actions. Currently, we offer the English and Japanese version online for free and may consider a physical publication to effectively reach farmers worldwide.

We appreciate the guidance and support from Jennifer Thompson, Laure Sullivan, and Paul Wilson. Without your advice, we might not have been able to make a decision that truly brought peace to our hearts. Our heartfelt thanks also go to those who provided emotional support during this period.

Note on Footnotes:
Confirmed details pertain to individual and organizational names. Other information is based on documents and oral accounts, reflecting the personal views of Kaori T Natsume, the supervising editor.

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